Saturday, April 23, 2005

the godess of small things

giant cup of coffee and several hours to get through Shelley's "Alastor" too much tequila last night and up early to drink coffee in the sun, snooze and cuddle in the hammock, and cut a garden for my bleeding hearts. sylvia helped to dig.
last night was surreal. i hadn't played a drum kit in years, but the ryhthm survived somewhat and now i will need my own set so i can learn the entire War album as i have always said i would.
a travelling poet named Joe came to my door today pedelling his wares and i turned him away. i imagine i will be recieving some bad karma soon.
both cats are in the bird bush crashing around. you look out and they look up at you all innocence, with feathers and tufts of cat hair in their mouths. sylvia sticks her head under leo and kicks his face with her back feet, a rather compromising pose. she continually takes advantage of his lack of front claws and swipes at him whenever they cross paths.
i learned that sarah slean has a blog today, which makes me very happy. through complete chance i saw an interview with her on channel 81 today. she performed one of my favorite songs "Out in the Park." she also showed us her tiny box of paints which she bought in germany from a store which only sold very small things. she had used up all the white.


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