Sunday, August 28, 2005

insufficient funds - card declined

though i am officially broke there are still ways to feel like i have money: 1. spritz myself excessively with my christmas gift purfume 2. eat almond butter straight out of the jar 3. read my roomate's daily paper 4. slowly spend $25 bakery gift certificate won at hoola hooping contest (true story) 5. use my visa to buy chcolate chips and soy milk 6. read Star magazine online 7. print resumes on boyfriend's computer using his paper 8. calculate how much money my trillion books and cd's are worth and consider them capital

Some old houses have ghosts, ours has a cat.

Last night around 7 o'clock i looked out the back kitchen window to see an orange cat standing politely by the door. He wasn't wearing a collar, he looked healthy, I had never seen him before, and I knew he didn't belong to any of my neighbours, but he seemed to want to be let in. I thought, Is he here to visit Sylvia? Has he run away from his new home to find his way back here? He seemed friendly so i gave him a treat, a move i would soon regret. Since he asked so politely, by a mew more like a high pitched screech, I gave him two more. Then he became persistant. He pushed the back door open and walked into the kitchen in the direction of Sylvia's food. I nudged him out the back door again and he immediately jumped up on the window ledge. Sylvia walked casually into the kitchen and stopped, wide eyed, when she saw our visitor. Every single bit of fur on her back stood on end until she realised she was protected by a pane of glass. She leapt up onto the window ledge, he jumped onto the steps, and she stared him down while he stared up at her. The two kitties stared for about half an hour. I finally opened her window and the hissing and growling began. She jumped outside and ran down the steps to look cute under the japanese maple while she waited for him to persue her. It became clear that he was not interested in Sylvia but determined only to get inside. He jumped in the window and barralled downstairs. I ran after him and got him outside though not without hissing and scratching. He repeated this, more blood and hissing, and finally settled at the top of the stairs to wait for his next opportunity. J warned me then that if Sylvia returned to find his smell everywhere she may not come home. I got J to chase orange cat off the property, which he had to do several more times. I had never seen such a persistent cat. Sylvia didn't come home so I left the window open for her and went to bed around 10:30, drunk from whisky and worry. At 3 I got up to see if Sylvia was home and found her sleeping on her chair. I noticed that her food bowl was empty so I filled it for her. I closed the window and went back to bed. Around 3.30 J and I both heard a sound in the dining room so we got up to check. Sylvia was crouched in the living room, hairs standing on end, growling, and the orange cat was sitting casually under the dining room table. Who knows how long he was in the house, how much food he ate (probably all of it), and what the hell he thought he was doing. I put him outside, petted Sylvia who was very, very upset, and went back to bed. We haven't seen him since. Is this a routine? Were we just a stop on his neighbourhood rounds or does he think this is his home? Is he a cat-food burgler? A cat rapist? Has anyone else ever seen a cat behave this way?

Friday, August 26, 2005

april fresh kitties and bread with butter

happy and broke. last night i made an herb rubbed roast chicken, new potatoes, roast carrots, and my first attempt at bechemal sauce, then drank whiskey and read Plath in my "library" corner.

dreamed i held a very large, pink, slippery, beautiful baby in my arms.

woke up at 6 am to the sound of my cat in my bed, which we constructed yesterday from free palettes found on the side of the road. had a satsifying domestic and physical day. baked french bread at 7 a.m. and waited for the sun to creep up to the back steps for sitting, reading and tea-drinking. my roomate's girlfriend made us yummy crepes with blackberries they picked on the gallopping goose bike trail last night on their ride home from Thetis lake. pruned and staked my tomato plants. let my cat out for the first time and watched as she and the white cat from next door chased one another. satisfied that she knew where home was i went inside to make chicken stock from the leftover roast chicken. picked about fifteen little tomatoes to have for lunch with leftover new potatoes and spinach. transplanted a rhodedendrum (how do you spell that?) and funny little artichoke/cactus-like plants to the front of the house where i discovered millions of bulbs. got covered in dirt. had a bath in my claw foot tub and then biked around the city for an hour before going to see my friend dana. returned home to a quiet house and chicken stock ready for soup with homemade bread. it is an absolute luxury to have so much time but i quite literally have no money and need to find an immediate solution.

Friday, August 12, 2005

i have no practice for what is happening in my life. i am happier, though, when I have less. there is a feeling of superiority in owning so little. i dont know how long this feeling will last. i am caught up on a spinning wheel and i have had no time to reflect on where it may stop.