Saturday, September 30, 2006


my marble heart. . . the marbleness of my heart. joy can empty a heart as thoroughly as grief. i unfold my heart to read it and it still screams, screams bleed out of it like brilliant streams of light and my self is annhialated as if by atomic love. i move towards a space of nothingness, obliterate my self, step out of the oscilation of events as if up onto the hot sand still wet, cold, and covered in weeds from the turbulent ocean. i shake them off like chains. this place is very quiet. . . an open, indifferent desert. my destiny has been carved out like a shelter in the rocks after thousands of years of pounding sand and flash floods. its mine and can never be another's, so i love it. will i meet others here where it is all mine yet i still do not know it. miles and miles of desert and the womblike edge of the sea where i can exist, exist, and exist. . . be, be, be.


Blogger nd said...

you want some free advice from someone who knows advice is never really free and usually irrelevant?

i'll make a not so giant leaping assumption and pretend that you might read this...

your posted writing is witty and poignant at the same time.

i like it.

i hope you continue posting...

post more

if that forces you to

write more

so be it

something good comes across.


11:24 AM  

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